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for Stone, Jim
Stone, Jim
American, b. 1947
Below each image, Stone writes the title of the image, which functions as a caption that informs one's interpretation. Questions of context and the relationship of text and image are at play in this work. Stone underlines these issues further in the book devoted to the Stranger Than Fiction series, published in 1993. There, Stone accompanies the photographs with newspaper clippings that introduce additional narrative elements. He also arranges the images on fold-out pages to provide a changing set of juxtapositions between different images, fostering the possibility of shifting interpretations.
Stone turned to photography while he was an engineering student at MIT, and he went on to complete an MFA at the Rhode Island School of Design. He is a professor in the Department of Art and Art History at the University of New Mexico, and has also co-authored a number of widely-used photography textbooks.