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for Papo, Rachel
Papo, Rachel
American, b. 1970 Columbus, OH
These teenage girls are asked to become soldiers at a formative time in their lives, and as Papo describes, they enter a regimented, masculine environment just as many are exploring their sense of self. In focusing on young people in a period of transition, Papo joins renowned Dutch photographer Rineke Dijsktra, who has expressed a similar interest and has also photographed Israeli soldiers. But whereas Dijkstra's large frontal portraits have an air of cool detachment, Papo's approach is more spontaneous—she works quickly and with a more candid photographic style, relying on ongoing observation. Rather than depicting single moments of ambiguous vulnerability, as Dijkstra does in her portrait sessions, Papo's photographs present the soldiers in context, registering the milieu and the activities that gradually shape their individual transformations.
Papo portrays her subjects both alone and in groups, and some of her photographs convey visually the necessity for these young women to negotiate between their sense of individuality and the institution's collective emphasis. In the image Hani during instruction on hand grenade throwing, Southern Israel, 2005 (#85), for example, one girl is seen sitting on the ground with an anonymous crowd of uniforms and rifles towering above her. Other photographs in the series discreetly connect the soldiers' experiences to the broader realities of life in Israel. Michal on the train going home, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2006 (#98), for instance, depicts a girl talking on her cellphone with a large rifle in her lap. It is a seemingly incongruous moment, but beside her sits a man calmly reading a magazine, which signals this to be a commonplace occurrence in a country with an ongoing military presence.
Rachel Papo earned a BFA from Ohio State University (1996), and an MFA in Photography from the School of Visual Arts in New York City (2005).