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for Savelev, Boris
Savelev, Boris
Russian, b.1948 Ukraine
In 1983, Savelev began focusing exclusively on photography. In the latter half of the decade, Gorbachav's perestroika and glasnost reforms ushered in a greater degree of economic and political freedom and reduced censorship. In the early 1990s, Savelev was one of the first Russian photographers to be published in the West following the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
Most of Savelev's photographs here date from this latter period in the 1980s and the early 1990s. Savelez photographed extensively on the streets in various cities in Russia, primarily with formal concerns in mind. In black-and-white photographs taken in St. Petersburg and Moscow in the 1980s, he extracts small slices of urban life, but the people who occupy his pictures are often just one element within larger visual arrangements. They share the frame with, say, the triangular forms of cafe umbrellas, the patterns of brick walls, or blocks of shadows. Chernovitz was another city that Savelev frequented, and in 1989 and 1990, he made a number of cibachrome prints there that employ the aesthetic and expressive qualities of color and light. These images are filled deep shadows, often obscuring the people or places they ostensibly depict, while the darkness is interrupted by areas of bright color. Savelev continues to live and work in Russia.
American, b. 1977 Moscow, Russia