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for Sander, August
Sander, August
German, 1876-1964
It was during this time that Sander conceived and embarked on his most ambitious project, People of the Twentieth Century, which would occupy him for the next forty years, until his death in 1964. Intended as “a physiognomic image of an age” and a catalog of “all the characteristics of the universally human,” Sander’s work was to be a collective portrait of the German people, organized into seven categories according to the artist’s own view of the social order. Photographed uniformly in a stark and straightforward style in natural light, Sander’s subjects are divided by type: the Farmer; the Skilled Tradesman; the Woman; Classes and Professions; the Artists; the City; and, finally, the Last People, a category comprising the elderly, deformed, homeless, or unemployed.
Sander’s inclusion of the marginalized in his compendium incurred the censure of the Nationalist Socialists, who in 1936 confiscated his first book Face of Our Time, destroying all of the printing plates. By 1942, Sander’s archive included over 40,000 images. Moving from Cologne to the relative safety of the countryside, Sander took with him 10,000 negatives. The remaining 30,000 were destroyed in a bombing raid before he was able to transport them to the Westerwald.
It was only in 1986, after August Sander’s death, that his son, Gunther, would publish a selection of his archive using the original outline and title People of the Twentieth Century, today heralded as a photographic masterpiece.
German, b. 1970 and German, b. 1968