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for Krims, Les
Krims, Les
American, b. 1943
In the late 1960s, Krims began teaching photography at Pratt Institute and Rochester Institute of Technology, and since 1969 he was a professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo, where his students included artists such as Cindy Sherman. Nevertheless, he is highly critical of academia and what he describes as its ideological bias. In the series Academic Art (1975-1978), Krims parodies the trends and tenets of university art programs by photographing scenarios that were fabricated by his students, whom he asked to interpret various art movements as articulated in academia. In the image Boxes, Mary, Miracle (1975), for example, a geometric sculpture made of stacked cubes is juxtaposed with a "miraculous" apparition and a middle-aged woman sitting naked in a chair. The image lampoons the implication of a quasi-spiritual experience and the rhetorical emphasis on a phenomenological encounter with the art object in relation to the viewer's body.
William Mebane, American, b. 1972; Martin Hyers, American, b. 1964