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Soren, Tabitha
Image Not Available for Soren, Tabitha

Soren, Tabitha

American, b. 1967
BiographyTabitha Soren's series, Surface Tension, includes large-format photographs made of internet images seen beneath reflected fingerprints on iPad touchscreens. Soren uses images from news stories, pop culture, and her personal archive as the basis for the series to comment on how images influence our patterns of consumer culture and politics. Touch is central to this work—both gentle and harmful—and, in the images in the Museum of Contemporary Photography collection specifically, Soren calls attention to our detached and digitally entangled understandings of the climate crisis and police violence.

Tabitha Soren’s work is held in the permanent collections of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the J. Paul Getty Museum, Harvard Art Museums, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, George Eastman Museum, Cleveland Museum of Art, amongst others. Her work has been exhibited in solo shows at the SFO Museum, San Francisco, CA; Pier 24 Photography, San Francisco, CA; Aperture Gallery, New York, NY; Weisman Art Museum, Minneapolis, MN; Berkeley Art Center, CA; SF Camerawork, CA; among many others.